Thursday 24 January 2013

Caleb, about 6 weeks old, trying out the jolly jumper

It's hard to believe but Caleb is already 2 months old! He's now entered that engaging age - smiles and sounds being shared back and forth. As of today he will start having regular spells in the jolly jumper - he loves the vantage point and I like that it helps to tire him out! He's not yet jumping in it - just 'stands' there looking. He is starting to sleep longer some nights (first feed often not til 1 or 2am since switching to using disposable nappies at night) which is nice for me, though he still feeds 2-4 times a night. But for the most part, I get pretty good sleep (starting back into exercise is tiring me more than disrupted nights!). His toilet training is going well still - except for one dirty nappy while at Philip Island (I had him in disposables while there) I haven't had a poopy nappy in over a month! It is so much easier to swish a bowl out than scrub a nappy, I can tell you! We rearranged our room last week and set up the portacot for Caleb - so now I can have my bed space to myself if I want.

Sarah decided these lids made good 'knee caps'
Something I want to do better at this year is loving my children, rather than focusing on training them or improving my parenting. So I have been spending more time playing and having fun with the girls. We continue to have our 'mat time' (though it could more accurately be called 'couch time' now) most mornings. This now consists of Bible stories and short prayer followed by Virture Cards practice (it's incredible how much of them they've memorised). I want to do better at Deuteronomy 6:7 with them, and it's been interesting the opportunities that have arisen. The children and I went to our local Koorong for the first time last week, and I thought the girls would enjoy the playground while I shopped. It seems they didn't, for when I finished shopping and went to get them they were both crying up on the second level (similar play area to the McDonalds structures) going on about being stuck 'in a dark and scary place' (they didn't like the tunnels that led out of where they were, and the step back down was a bit deep for them). That line is out of Psalm 23 in one of our children's Bible books (which was Abigail's favourite book at the time), so in the car on the way home we were able to talk about the rest of the verse 'I will not be afraid. God is with me.'

The girls putting away the dishes/cutlery
I wanted a fitness event of some sort to work towards now that Caleb is born so that I don't get lazy and put getting back into shape on the back burner (being fit and strong is important to me - I feel better emotionally, and I'm better able to deal with the various demands of raising my children!), and since I have a thing for stairs I have registered for Brisbane's Climb for Cancer in May. It's a THIRTY SEVEN floor stair race. I'm going to die. But I have started stair training once a week on the weekends and have started my home workouts again (my neglected kettlebell workout DVDs have been given a dust off as I'm finding it hard to motivate myself through my once-loved written workouts).
Breakfast - Abigail usually requests weetbix; Sarah, porridge

The girls continue to grow into their own personalities. Sarah has taken to calling Abigail 'Abby' (something we have never done). She is affectionate with Caleb - often stopping to give him a pat or a cuddle (whereas Abigail doesn't usually go near him). She often surprises me with her letter recognition and phonics knowledge, and her counting is very cute - "1,3,5,6,7,8,9". Abigail remains very inquisitive and talkative - her ever expanding vocabulary and understanding produce some fascinating questions and conversation from her! Jon has a lot on his plate with work still, and keeps getting it filled higher. He'll be working on recordings from the Supercamp over this long weekend. The wet season has finally arrived, and the cyclone is supposed to reach us tonight, so our weekend is supposed to be wet and windy. I think I might try out a caramel marshmallow popcorn recipe I saw on Pinterest...

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