Tuesday 4 September 2012

Nesting Time

I've been busy these past couple of weeks. It seems the 'nesting' instinct has started (very timely with the arrival of spring) and I have been utilising it! I have tidied and organised nooks and crannies, cupboards and drawers that I have neglected for a long time - the kitchen cupboards and the chest freezer particularly, along with plenty of miscellaneous spots around the house. It has been very satisfying seeing things become tidy around our home and systems to keep it so coming into place.

Along with this new motivation to organise, has come the need to get into craft again (I made a solo trip to Spotlight on the weekend). Apart from my cross-stitch, I have been crocheting edging on face cloths (for gifts), sewing bibs (our current ones are rather grotty), making cards, and doing LOTS of cutting out of letters and animals etc for a matching book for the girls (Jon and I spent an evening laminating all the pieces). I've also been printing off various Bible and English lesson sheets for Abigail. Time has been full!

My garden has gotten more attention, too, as I persevere in trying to grow things. My cos lettuces are growing well (in quantity rather than size) and I enjoy picking leaves for our meals. I've planted cherry tomato and cucumber seeds, so hopefully they grow. I have been reminded of verses Paul wrote about people planting and watering (spiritual) seed but God being the one who makes it grow - I am pleading with God to please make my plants grow! I haven't been able to get much success on my own, but I trust that I can with Him!

Sarah and Abigail discovered a box of shoes I had put aside and have largely entertained themselves with wearing them around recently. Sarah is in a clothes faze - she likes to try and dress herself with various items she finds; it causes her much frustration at times when she can't get an item on, but other times it happily amuses her. Her vocabulary is suddenly taking off of late too. Abigail is still a chatterbox - she can't help but talk non-stop at times! The countdown is on to her birthday - she is much looking forward to it (we hear a lot about it)! Lots of rainbow things are on the horizon...

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