Tuesday 8 May 2012

Labour Day

We did go bush walking again over the weekend. On Monday we spent 2 1/2 hours wandering round a section of Karawatha Forest we hadn't been to yet; and we found 4 more caches along our way (one of them being the first ever cache hidden in Queensland - over 10 years ago!).

Signing the cache log!
It was a sunny day, but the first half of the walk was a bit boggy and slippery underfoot. Sarah slept that part while in the sling; Abigail observed the path from the pram. We passed quite an assortment of people on our way - a young couple, families with young children like ourselves, cyclists, runners - all sorts! Nice to see people out and about enjoying the bush.

On the way up a steep shortcut
At the highest point of the walk we stopped for refreshments -grapes and water- found the last cache on our journey, and came back down. I'm sure the path was much steeper than the photo shows! We passed a shorter steeper short cut further down the path -and because Jonathan likes to take the shortest route possible, I'm glad he hadn't known about that one earlier!

From here the girls walked and frolicked the rest of the way; it was nice to slow the pace down and not have a 11kg load on my back! As we neared the main path back to the carpark, we found a quiet shady parallel path that we decided to take instead. It of course did not take us back to the bridge we needed to cross but diverted around the wrong side of the creek. Thankfully we didn't have to back track too far before we found a little path joining back up to the main route. Across the bridge and to the car! (We had been late starting so it was 1pm by this time). 

Another fun adventure in the bush - may there be many more ahead! We will explore Australia yet!

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