Friday 18 May 2012

Clean and Green

Sarah guzzling her green smoothie
It has been a busy week - lots and lots of cleaning and tidying! We had our second rental inspection yesterday morning, so I have been much occupied with making the place look it's best. I'm sure the rental agent wouldn't notice if the walls were clean of fingerprints or not and other such small details, but at such times such things seem glaringly obvious and must be dealt with just in case! And this weekend we are billeting a lady connected with Jon's work who is coming to a training conference they are having tomorrow (Jonathan is picking up 4 people from the airport as I type), so the beds have been rearranged (the girls are top and tailing tonight - very cute!) and our spare room prepared for her arrival tonight. I am thankful that we haven't had a rental inspection before now - I don't think I would have managed the all the cleaning up a few weeks ago; and having two occasions where a tidy house is needed right after each other is another blessing - thank you God for the timing of this!

I have passed the 12 week mark now and am feeling much better, but still feel quite unwell late afternoon/evening. Hopefully in a week or two all the nausea will have passed. I have had a salad addiction the past fortnight - I am devouring salads, lunch and dinner (my grocery shop this week consisted only of fresh vegetables and fruit and some salad condiments - olives and sun-dried tomatoes!). Hopefully the lettuce, kale, endive and pansy seeds I have planted in my garden will start growing soon, then I can simply pick my salad ingredients from the garden. I saw a few endive seedlings starting to come through this morning, so I have hope that there might yet be some green in my thumbs!

Sarah and Abigail have been enjoying lots of green smoothies lately, which I'm pleased with. I think green leafy vegetables are one of the best things for our bodies and smoothies are a great way to get them into my kids. I have to make sure to make a big blender full if I want to have any too or else it all gets begged from me!

Have a happy weekend - and don't forget to eat your greens! :)

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