Sunday 2 October 2011

A fresh month, a fresh week, a fresh day...

Today is a new day, the start of a new week, the beginning of a new month. I have decided I love Mondays - they represent a fresh start (banish the Monday-itis attitude, and proclaim aloud: "this IS the day that the Lord has made. I WILL rejoice and be glad in it"!). Some days don't seem to go well - motivation and patience greatly lacking. So I am thankful that each day has it's end and that I am given a fresh start the next. Lamentations 2:22,23 comes to mind: "Because of the LORD's great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your faithfulness."

I have felt a lack in purpose of late - the day to day of being a mum isn't all that exciting at times. Keep everything tidy, fed, and happy! :) Yet there is so much more, in that and to that. To try and give myself a bigger perspective, I was encouraged to write a mission statement (see Inspired to Action: A mission statement sounds rather grand, but in essence it was about naming my main roles and then writing a goal for each of those roles to aim for in the day to day.

Here's what mine looks like:

Believer: To pray more. Particularly for my husband and children, and with my husband and children.
Wife: To actively and visibly love my husband - words, acts, touch.
Mother: To respond to my children with love and patience at all times and to radiate joy for them to see.
Homemaker: To set in place routines and schedules (and follow them!) so my home is orderly, and therefore peaceful and inviting. Plan my week at the end of the previous week (to do's, chores, meal plan etc).
Fitness enthusiast :) : To keep fit and healthy through exercise and healthy eating so I reap the feel-good benefits and so I can face all that is before me with strength and health.

I have printed it off a couple of times and so have it in my kitchen and on my planner so I can regularly read it and therefore hopefully do the things on it! Being a mum to my kids is a huge task in the light of eternity, and it is important for me to be ever mindful of that - especially when I'm tired or cranky!

Anyone else have a mission statement (or similar)?

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