Sunday 5 February 2012

Speakers and Kitchens

Jonathan bought this Yamaha PDX-11 Portable Speaker last week. This has meant that we now have a clean kitchen every night - the dishes are washed! The benches and table are cleared and wiped clean! Even the cupboards and stove! How can a speaker clean a kitchen, you ask?

After dinner clean-up has not been the habit of our marriage. It had always been left for the next morning. But it's not much fun waking to a mess each morning and Jonathan and I had been wanting to get our acts together in this area. Then Jachin and Alisi gave us a gift subscription to an audio book site. Jonathan immediately saw the potential of being able to listen to a book while getting the evening work done - it would make it enjoyable. But we didn't have anything in the kitchen that we could listen on. So Jonathan did his research and this wee beauty arrived early in the week. So now, each night our kitchen is CLEAN. Seriously, not even any clutter on the table or bench.

And it has also made a few hours of folding and packaging leaflets for Jon's work this week a lot more enjoyable (you can ignore your sore back and keep going when you're caught up in the suspense of a thriller! - we are currently listening to The Oath by Frank Peretti.).

It has been a great investment.

(A note from Jonathan: In addition to paid services like Audible (thank you Jachin & Alisi!) audio books can also be digitally borrowed from your local library (usually via their website), using services like Overdrive and Bolinda, as well as downloaded for free from Gutenburg (a repository for all those classics that are now out of copyright).)

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