Jon worked all of New Year's Eve on a gig (9am til after midnight) so having mum and Grandma with me that day was wonderful (he worked Christmas Eve eve on a gig and that was a little trying - a long day/evening at home with the kids). Grandma and mum made the beds with fresh sheets and took care of the washing; mum took the girls to the park in the morning, and wore them out playing in the afternoon; she then cooked dinner. I spent my morning sitting and the afternoon sleeping :) Because of that, I couldn't get to sleep that night and nearly saw the New Year in; thankfully sleep came by 11:30pm; Caleb slept 7 hours straight that night!
Jon and I have wanted to have a child-free meal out together so one night we went out (with Caleb though of course) to Sunnybank to do just that. I was amazed at how lively Sunnybank was on a Sunday night! We ended up at a Malaysian place Jon had been to for a work lunch and I was very happy to find laksa on the menu (I only recently was introduced to laksa and I love it!) - so we had a HUGE bowl of Malaysian laksa and a plate called Nasi Lamek. Good stuff. I am sure we will be back, and hope to take various family there in the future if possible! Caleb slept soundly for the whole time we were out, snuggled up under a blanket in the pram (maybe his way of shutting out the noise? and a very nice God-gift). We went for a walk afterwards to help our full bellies settle a bit before getting some dessert at the Coffee Club. I had a great time. Thank you very much mum and Grandma for 'babysitting' the girls!
Today we are on our own again - mum and Grandma both flew out yesterday and Jon is back at work today. Funny how quick the clean washing is piling up now that my 'laundry fairies' have gone! (Thank mum and Grandma for keeping on top of it while you were here). We went to the library this morning (and Caleb finally fell asleep in the car on the way!); and all 4 of us napped this afternoon. It is so wonderful when all 3 kids go down for a nap at the same time! Mum and Grandma's visit was a great way to see out the old year and see in the new. Happy 2013!
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