We are slowly reading our way through the Little House on the Prairie series with Abigail and Sarah. I especially enjoy Farmer Boy (book 2) and hearing about all the food that Almanzo's mother used to make! The girls and I had a go at making some butter, and some egg nog. We are now reading Little House on the Prairie (book 3).
Australia Day found us trekking up to Redcliffe to pick up a Gumtree purchase and we made the most of it by stopping at the local waterpark for a swim and a picnic morning tea followed by lunch at Hungry Jacks. It was nice to see another part of Brisbane.
This month saw me start reading and writing lessons a few times a week with Abigail. Jon and I had a bit of a look at other rental properties in the area, but we eventually decided to sign on for another year at our current address; we've now been here 3 years. I have 'rejuvenated' the front garden by putting in some new plants - the weather has been perfect by providing lots of rain and overcast days, so the flowers are still alive at present. Jon and I are still listening our way through Bonhoeffer. And Caleb has moved into a big bed and both cots have been packed down (we have our room to ourselves again!).
I have enjoyed looking back to this time last year and seeing how far we have come, especially Jon and I as parents. One of my MOPS sessions a year ago asked us to describe our family in 1-2 words (tired and grumpy) and then use 1-2 words for what we wanted to be (fun and loving), and it is quite amazing looking back to actually see us transition over the year to being that! I am reminded of and will end with a verse we read recently from Philippians 2:13: "For it is God who is working in you, enabling you both to desire and to work out His good purpose."