Caleb is now 3 months old. He loves to sit up. The bouncinette just doesn't cut it anymore! On a lap, in the highchair or on the couch, he likes to sit up (I think he likes the vantage point). This morning at the library (for storytime), I sat on a couch with him on my knee and he sat there cooing and looking around eagerly for ages (until he got tired and wanted to feed and sleep). He no longer needs the baby insert for the ergo - he feels so small without the bulk of it; and putting him in is so much easier now. I wonder whether I'll need to fashion him some dribble bibs, as he sure seems to drool. He's discovered his hands and tries to eat them all the time.
I started going to MOPS (Mothers of PreSchoolers) at our church this month (it's on fortnightly). The girls go to a creche while I (with Caleb) spend a couple of hours with other mums - hearing a short talk, discussion, craft, etc. I am enjoying the opportunity to connect with other mums at church. It took me a while to come to the point I was happy to leave the girls in a creche, but I felt we were all ready. The first time, I told Abigail (Sarah didn't come - she stayed home with an unwell Jonathan) that she could ask to come to me at any time - she assured me that she wouldn't need me. And when I collected her afterwards, she let me know that she hadn't needed me :)
Sarah's vocabulary has been widening quickly. She loves playing with LEGO (micro Megablocks, actually). Her night toileting hasn't been going so well (I had to wash 5 sets of sheets in 2 days!) so we've put her back in nappies. After having the cloth ones leak a couple of times and in light of all the rain and an upcoming camping trip, I've bought some disposable nappies for her for the time being. We'll try the night toileting again once I'm getting more sleep and the sun is out to dry our washing!
Abigail is absorbing all sorts of information! I've started teaching her a Catechism for young children. She enjoys me asking her the questions and she rattles off the answers. She's memorised the first 5 so far (out of 145!). We've started some reading lessons with her, and she's working on her writing skills. We'll see how it goes - for now she seems to be enjoying it and comes to me asking for her 'lessons'. Sarah sometimes sits in on them and joins in too. And we always end with colouring - which I enjoy as well :)
Both girls still love being read to (ALL THE TIME!!!). Jonah and the big fish is the current favoured Bible story. I love watching all their imaginary play. And we continue our Saturday night routine of watching the David Attenborough series on TV with the girls. (The current series is on Africa, previously Mammals and Oceans.) And they are making the most of the rainy days by playing in the rain :)
I've been doing lots of research into homeschooling methods and resources. I am quite excited about when we 'start' (Abigail is only 3 1/2 so we have a few years before we'll need to register). Currently, I am drawn to the Charlotte Mason methods. I've ordered a few books off Fishpond which I am keen to read and hope will help steer me in the direction that will work best for us. And I am praying God will guide my research to that which is helpful and beneficial to us as there are so many options nowadays!
Jon and I are currently listening to an audio book, 'Sarah' - a historical fiction on the life of Abraham and Sarah. I am really enjoying it. Jon washes the dishes and I usually fold washing while we listen. 'The Hiding Place' and a couple of CS Lewis' shorter books were other recent 'listens'.
And that is an overview of February.