Friday, 22 June 2012

Finger puppets

This morning I finally finished making the last of the finger puppets I started a couple of months ago. Five farm animals; five jungle animals (I've made two sets). What think ye? I have seen ideas for a penguin, jellyfish, and a starfish, so might make a set of sea animals too....

Friday, 15 June 2012

My belly is certainly popping out now, and the kicks are becoming more regular! My bump is already as big as it was when I was about 23 weeks pregnant with Abigail or 20 weeks with Sarah, so definitely noticing the changes between subsequent pregnancies! My midwife appointment earlier in the week was long but straightforward, and I got to hear baby's heartbeat at the end (a healthy 150 beats/minute).

Today's plans all changed at 6:30am this morning when Jon received a few SOS texts from a man he works some gigs with, so instead of going to a men's breakfast at church this morning, he is in Ipswich hauling sound gear around. And instead of going out for some time to myself, I am doing the usual: child-minding/raising and housework! I have been told to think of something special to do tomorrow (either alone or together) so any ideas welcome!

Both girls are on the upside of their colds. Sarah only had a touch of a snotty nose, but Abigail is certainly making sure we're going through the tissues! All in all, a mild cold. I have tried to cut most dairy and sugar from their diet to help and it seems to have (dairy is mucous forming; sugar suppresses the immune system). And I've had batches of sauerkraut fermenting continually in my kitchen recently as we are going through it quickly - both girls and I like it, and it's great for immune and digestive systems. And cabbage is getting cheap again (supposed to be the most nutrient dense vegetable for price)! In my sauerkraut making experience, I've learnt to make sure the cabbage is weighted down well - it needs to have enough liquid brine covering it to keep all air out (otherwise it just tastes rotten and that's not very nice!). I follow this recipe. Another batch will be on my kitchen bench before the day is out (once bottled, it'll keep a good 6 months in the fridge - theoretically. My first batch only lasted a few days thanks to us!).

Over time I've had lots of gluten free baking flops, so I have made an effort recently to stop experimenting and pick a few reliable recipes to make. I have been making lots of this gluten/dairy/refined sugar free Date and Walnut Bread. I cut a loaf in thirds and freeze it, then pull out some when I want it. And I've switched back to making my own bread (yeast free recipes so I don't have to rise it first) in the oven as the bread maker wasn't proving reliable in it's outcome (gluten free bread is somewhat temperamental - even humidity levels affect it). Jonathan has been enjoying a fruit cake spiel; he has asked for coffee cake next so if you have a good recipe for one (it doesn't need to be anything-free, just a normal recipe) please share!

I sat down this week and made a rotating workout schedule for the rest of the year/pregnancy (if you use Google Calenders, I can share it with you). Here's another little workout (3minutes 51 seconds) I've come across for your triceps - you just need a chair/couch (if you can do it non-stop I think you're amazing; I have to take breaks throughout). I do it after my push-ups workout (I've been following the 100 Push-ups programme - I'm up to doing 8 proper push-ups at once. I don't expect to progress any further while my tummy grows, but hopefully I can maintain that number). It's always nice to have some little workouts up your sleeve for when you're tired or pressed for time.

And to end I will leave you with some pictures of the girls during water play this week. Abigail can now squeeze the hose handle and so I let her water my garden for me, then I put some detergent in a bucket and they play happily out in the sun. Washing each other's hair seems to be the favourite game (despite Abigail making a big fuss when we wash her hair!).

Thursday, 7 June 2012

Some nights we find them snuggled up the same end :) 
This week has held lots of phone calls with family. I was having a 'really-miss-my-family' day earlier in the week, and got 3 phone calls from different family members that day! I often forget I have a phone link to family so it was really nice to have them ring me; my week looked up afterwards!

The girls have both got colds at present. It has been quite cold since we got back from camping - the first week was wet and cold; this week is windy and cold - so the runny noses were to be expected. It has made Abigail more inclined to have her day-time nap, so that's always nice :)

I became aware recently that I was neglecting to include the girls in the work around the house - finding myself instead shooing them off to play or occupying them elsewhere. "Train up a child in the way he should go...." came to mind, and I have been reading over Proverbs 31 a bit lately (in a few different translations) and verse 27, "she keeps an eye on everyone in her household, and keeps them all busy and productive" also struck me. So I have been involving both girls more. Abigail now clears the cutlery rack for me, and folds the washers and tea towels; her and Sarah both help to put the washing away; I'm teaching them to put their toys/games away when they've finished playing with them; they help bring the shopping in and take the rubbish out, and so forth. It really helps me, and they really enjoy it. I look forward to the possibility in years to come that I've worked myself out of a job!

Proverbs 31 verse 17 and 27 speak of a wife setting about her work vigorously and not eating the bread of idleness. I had a few days where I didn't know what to do that day (and the things I thought of I didn't feel like doing!), so I have sat down and drawn up a 4 week rotating 'roster' of my housework focus for each day of the week. Eg:
I only loosely followed it this week, but my week was a lot of more focused because of it and I feel like I've gotten a lot done (my kitchen is very clean!). Just like my menu plans, it's nice to just do what the roster is telling me rather than having to come up with it everyday! 

Abigail is currently learning her letters - both upper and lower case - and their sounds. I give her a baking tray with a piece a paper that has different letters drawn on, and she matches the letter magnets to them. And we continue to do lots of reading; our fortnightly library trips are much enjoyed by the girls.

Sarah has become very attached to a golf ball recently. After her morning feed in bed with me, it's the first thing she looks for. 'Ball?' is often heard when it has rolled under the tv unit or she has lost sight of it. It goes everywhere - except on bathroom trips (it made it in the toilet bowl a couple of times too many!).

On a warmer day this week, I set a bowl of soapy water outside for the girls to play with while I did the dishes - I came out to find them washing each others' hair :) Abigail has been learning to do up buttons with a fun little button snake I made her; Sarah has been putting toothpicks back in their container through the little holes in the top - both activities to help them with their fine motor skills / hand/eye coordination (and to keep them happily occupied while I cook!).

I have been getting back into regular exercise again - walking to work with Jon in the morning's where possible, and doing various home workouts I've come across on Pinterest (this is a nice simple 3 minute one for the ladies that I've done a couple of times. Be warned, the chick is nuts!). My baby bump is beginning to grow - I can't get my jeans done up now (I could a couple of weeks ago). And I think I've felt bubs move a few times in the past week, so that's very exciting! My first midwife appointment is next week and I am looking forward to hearing bubs' heartbeat for the first time!

My cup of tea (I've switched from peppermint to chai since the temperatures have dropped) is finished, so I best be up while the warmth of it lingers. Have a nice long weekend those in Australia, and just a nice weekend to those elsewhere. Jonathan and I have dentist appointments in the morning so spare a thought of sympathy if you think of us! :)