On Anzac Day last week, we did some Geo-caching (GPS treasure hunting) at the nearby Karawatha Forest. We only did a 'short' walk, but it took us a couple of hours with all the off-road hunting we did for the caches. The girls seemed to enjoy themselves, despite coming away with various scrapes, and hopefully we'll get out this long weekend to do some more (Labour Day weekend).
We had a run of wet weather last week, so Jonathan brought the trampoline into the garage for the girls. It was great - they spent
lots of time on it. Now that it's back outside, it isn't as fun of course! :)
As of the 1st of this month, Abigail is now officially weaned. We've been slowly cutting out each of her last few feeds over the past few months. Jonathan was keen to see her stop feeding and recently I decided I had had enough too. She happily accepted the dropping of each feed, and while she often comes up to me still asking for 'just a little bit', especially when she sees Sarah feeding, getting a 'no' hasn't and doesn't upset her. I am glad we took it slowly and I am pleased with how easily she gave it up.
As for Sarah, we are working on night weaning her. Sarah has fed 4-6 times a night for as long as I remember. Recently, during a cold spell, she cut back to 2-3 feeds (must be too nice and snug in bed to get up!). We are now working on cutting night feeding out altogether. As with Abigail's night weaning (around the same age), Jonathan is tending to her through the nights (for the most part); she goes back to sleep without fuss if Jonathan goes to her; she expects a feed if it's me and won't go back to sleep until she gets it! So hopefully over the course of the next month or so she will start to sleep through the night. The thought of getting a full night's sleep in the near future is suddenly very appealing (haven't had one of those since Abigail was born!).

Bean growing season is here and taking an idea I came across, I have made a tee-pee with beans planted at the bottom of each stake. In the next month or two, the bean plants should grow up the stakes and make a nice leafy tee-pee for the girls to play in. It is a bit flimsy (I joined bamboo stakes together with duct tape, and I've had to plant in pots), so try and find solid stakes and plant straight into the ground/garden if possible. I'm thinking of trying to grow some leeks next (love leeks!).
Happy International Star Wars Day - may the fourth be with you! :) :)