Sunday, 22 April 2012

Making 'soup'

A lot has happened this past month! We had Jachin and Alisi stay with us for a week starting at Easter. The girls absolutely loved having their uncle and aunt around (Abigail still asks when they'll be back); Jon and I enjoyed the company and conversation - many late nights were had! Other rellies were caught up with the following weekend as they gathered (from the UK and Victoria) for the wedding of Rachel (Jon's cousin) and Sharn. It's always so nice to have family gatherings, especially when everyone lives so far apart now.

Uncle Jachin was much employed on the trampoline!
I have been unwell for most of the past month, being plagued with nausea or tiredness or both. Nevertheless, we are very pleased to have our third little one on the way! I do look forward to reaching the end of this first trimester - as with my previous pregnancies, the all-day sickness is back and I am struggling with preparing meals that the thought or smell of doesn't nauseate me. But we have yet to go hungry, so are getting there. While an unpleasant time, I am thankful that all the progesterone (the culprit of pregnancy sickness) coarsing through my blood is sustaining our littlest one's life. I will be even more thankful when I've reached the second trimester, the placenta takes over and the sickness ends! :)

The girls are doing well. Abigail has been more of a chatterbox than usual of late - hence she is currently being taught how to be quiet when told! I'm a little teapot is her current favourite song. Sarah is trying out new words and is as mischievous as ever. Her hair is growing longer and curlier which makes her cheeky face even cuter! They are indeed growing up so fast.

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Life is going well in our little house. I'm still on a sewing spiel (I even did some mending this morning that I've had sitting waiting for me for over a year!); I've finished Abigail's bed cover (and am quite pleased with it), and am now working on a Quiet Book. It's slowly coming together. I've turned our spare room into a sewing room for the last week or so - and it's been a mess. Fabric scraps and cotton all over the floor. But not having to set up the sewing machine every time I want to use it, and to clean up after myself each time too has been wonderful. We are working on tidying it up again now in preparation for Jachin and Alisi's arrival this weekend.

Last weekend, Jonathan made some shelves for the end of the girl's beds. He's done a great job. Abigail likes to use them as beds for her dolls and animals. I'm sure as they grow older all sorts of treasures will be kept on them.

I had blood tests recently and was pleased to learn my iron levels are nice and high - not bad given that I've been pregnant and/or breastfeeding for the last 3 1/3 years! I had been worried that I might be lacking iron, so am really happy to know that all is well there - go the green smoothies! :)

A couple of people have asked me about the laundry liquid I used to make - I now make a dry washing powder using 2 parts grated pure soap to one part washing soda (add essential oils if desired). Then use 1T for a lightly soiled load, 2T for a medium soiled load, and 3 T for a dirty load. Works great - much better than the liquid (the soap used to separate in that and get smelly), and is easier to store and use.

Oh, I'm on the lookout for good crockpot meals - if you have a favourite you're willing to share, please email it to me!