We did our fruit and veg shopping just after seven (got to love a shop that opens at 6am!) then came home and packed lunch and dinner for Jonathan. After he had left, we snuggled under the blanket on mummy and daddy's bed with a pile of books. Book reading is a big part of our days - both girls love being read to. We revisited some books that haven't been read in a while (library books are usually all the go since we joined the library).
After our story marathon, we rang Grandma and Grandad in New Zealand on Skype; the call came to an end when the girls started getting crotchety with each other. After her usual morning feed, Sarah was her happy self again, and we went outside to burn off some energy. Abigail jumped on the trampoline and Sarah pretended to ride the trike while I mowed the grass.
Then we went inside and the girls did some water play at the kitchen sink while I baked. Banana carrot muffins (gluten, dairy and sugar free) and banana chocolate cake (gluten free) - I had gotten over 5kgs of bananas for $2 on clearance, hence the banana bake. I'll freeze or dehydrate the rest.
Sarah loves any chance of getting up to the sink to play in the water. Whenever I'm doing the dishes now she works on getting a chair up beside me (our dining chairs are pretty solid, so it's quite a feat; she's very persistent!). There were a few loads of dishes to do today - and each time came the little patter of feet and the dragging of the chair on the floor :)
We pulled out a Wiggles DVD at some point - Sarah loved the Old McDonald Had a Farm song. She knows a lot of her animal sounds now and it is very cute hearing her make them whenever she sees the corresponding animal. Moo and Baa are her favourite.
After lunch the girls had naps, and I ordered my first lot of homeopathic remedies. I have had a growing interest in homeopathy for a little while now and look forward to my order arriving (from the UK - heaps cheaper than buying locally even with postage, go figure!). And I have drawn up plans for a Bible quiet book I want to make for the girls.
After a good nap, I set Abigail and Sarah up outside with some paint. I think this is the first time I've set paints out for Sarah - she loved it. And as always, she tasted it :)
Abigail's painting in the foreground: Sarah's at the back |
Her aim got pretty good - we moved the cushion further away from the box each time she got a couple of beads in (or closer if she kept missing).
A couple of loads of laundry awaited folding, so Abigail helped me with that, and while I put it away she tidied her room. She can tidy her room all by herself now - books in their box, blocks in theirs, and toys in the cupboard or the corner. Makes life easier for me! :)
While I cooked dinner, Abigail and Sarah decided to throw the grass clippings around and on each other. I think Sarah might have one or two little bits in her hair still (even after having her hair washed before bed!). Now they are snuggled up in bed (hopefully fast asleep!). Now to pass the next hour or so till Jonathan gets home (my ironing pile is calling me)....