TWO. Abigail is now two. That makes me a mum for two years now - wow!And we've both grown in those two years - in very different ways...
Abigail's spoken vocabulary is ever-expanding - and rather loudly of late!
She can take herself to the potty on her own now; she's even starting tipping the contents in the loo afterwards! (The first time she attempted this, I heard the splash as she missed the loo and tipped it over the floor; but ever since she seems to get it in :)). Not quite there on pulling her knickers back up yet though (usually comes shuffling out to me saying 'help'). It's wonderful just being able to tell her to go but I need to make sure I remember to check afterwards just in case -- Sarah beat me one time - poop on fingers and smeared all over the lid of the toilet. Yuck!
The World Health Organisation recommends breastfeeding for at least 2 years for optimal emotional and physiological development, and Abigail has made sure of that! She'll ask for 'milk, please' as much as she can through the day, but has been night-weaned for a couple of months now (many thanks to my darling hubby who sees to her through the nights now to achieve that and so I can get more sleep!). We had a terrible start to our breastfeeding relationship so am very proud we've gotten this far. And she shows no signs of quitting just yet!
As for me, my husband can attest that I am much more patient and gentle than I started out. I still have my moments, but children certainly help refine you!
I really look forward to watching Abigail continue to grow; and I hope I continue to as well!