Monday, 29 August 2011

Sugar and sweet things

I have a sweet tooth (Jonathan has a savoury tooth). But this year I have slowly come to a (current) point where I have pretty much removed refined sugar from our (well, mostly mine and the girls) general diet. Not completely, but significantly. Here's a very condensed overview of some of what I've learned about refined sugar:

For anyone wanting to lose weight, it's sugar (not healthy fats) that you want to cut way back on.  Fat (we're talking healthy fats - nuts, avocado, cold pressed oils, not fatty fried foods etc) is used by the body for energy, whereas sugar is generally stored away - as FAT! (Be wary of low-fat or fat free foods - the fat is usually replaced with lots of sugar). Interestingly, diabetes arose after sugar became part of the modern diet, as did many heart diseases; as did the incidence of mental illness (schizophrenia and depression notably). It makes sense when one reads the effects of sugar on our bodies at the chemical level.  I recently read Sugar Blues, a book that covers the rise of sugar, looking at its negative effects on health as it became part of our everyday diets (nowadays we consume gross amounts of the stuff); it interestingly follows the money making industries related to sugar too. Sugar, while originally a plant (cane or beet) is reduced to a chemical very similar to cocaine (you wouldn't eat cocaine) - all the nutrients and fibre have been removed. In fact, sugar is classified as an antinutrient because the digestion of it actually depletes our bodies nutrient stores - particularly calcium from our bones.

Fascinating stuff! I would strongly recommend you become aware of how much sugar you're eating and try to cut it back, even a little. My husband would mention moderation here :) "Everything in moderation". So Abigail's upcoming birthday cake will have sugar in it (I was planning to make a raw cheesecake, but hubby's philosophy prevailed :)). And I thoroughly enjoyed the goodies Grandma had baked for me on our recent visit, so don't think I've turned my back completely on the stuff! But cutting back and eating healthier alternatives is certainly a good thing for me, and my family.

I now mostly use palm sugar and honey as my sweeteners - and because they cost 3 times the price as (raw) sugar, it is good incentive to cut back (Coles cheapest honey is actually 6 times the price, but one only needs half the amount to sugar when using, so that brings the figure down to 3)! Here's some of my current favourite sweet treats (Abigail happily eats them; Jonathan tends to ask me if it's healthy and then usually assumes it'll be yuck :)):

Black bean fudge: (I don't have stevia so I double the honey).

'Cookie dough': This stuff does remind me of uncooked biscuit mixture - but it's full of nutrition! (calcium, fibre, iron, protein...) I make half a mix and it's gone in a couple of days!

'Chocolate cakes': These are very sweet. I haven't made them with the frosting yet, so that might help mellow them a little. I used ground rolled oats.

IMG_7164 These are incredibly moist. I make mine gluten free, and I use the second recipe provided. (Jonathan liked these).

Everything in moderation.
Eat wisely, but enjoy what you eat.

Sunday, 28 August 2011

Our road trip north

Hello :) Thought I'd start this post with a picture of yours truly in case people were starting to think that I was under two! (I'm the one looking at the camera!)  :) Now for the pics of the kiddos...

On the Ekka holiday we drove up to Bundaberg to stay with my Grandma a few nights. This is Abigail copying mum by wearing her sunglasses in the car (I don't wear mine upside down though!). That baby doll goes almost everywhere (sometimes 3 of them are brought along, and occasionally a teddy bear to boot!).

After a couple of hours in the car, we stopped in Gympie for all to stretch their legs. We used to stop at the Matilda truck stop, but with two littlies the park was a much more attractive option - playgrounds, ponds and birdlife!

 (The next photo would show Abigail hiding behind my legs as the duck came closer :))

Thankfully, Sarah and Abigail both slept the remainder of the journey (the poor nursery rhyme CD needed the break!). (On the way home they slept the first half of the journey too).

Visits at Grandma's are always relaxing for me - no housework or dishes (thanks Grandma and Jonathan!). And I love being able to sit and talk with Grandma. She has always been a close friend. I even got to work on a new cross stitch (a rather large cross stitch - I have many hours ahead of me with this one!). 

Jonathan thoroughly enjoyed himself by helping Grandma set up her new iPad :) He intended to get some ukulele practice in too (we picked up an eBay buy on our way through Gympie) but broke one of the strings when restringing it. A replacement has since been bought and the fun sound of the (baritone) ukulele is heard in our house each day :) Ukulele was one of the first instruments Jonathan learned to play when he was younger.

I shall end with a link to a music video of our favourite ukulele piece:

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Daisy Hill Koala Sanctuary!

On Saturday we decided that instead of working on jobs around the house (they never end!) that we would take the girls out and do something fun together as a family. So we finally went to check out the koala sanctuary not far from us, and loved it!

Abigail loved it. She's familiar with koalas from her dinner set from her Uncle Mark (1st birthday present) and seeing them in real life was exciting! :) They looked like teddy bears fast asleep - I had to look closely to see them breathing to be convinced they were indeed real!

There's bush walks to explore and a large picnic area. I think it will become a family picnic spot - we all loved it!


Thursday, 4 August 2011

My desk!

Yes, that is my desk. Last weekend it was finally tidied up. By my wonderful husband! :)  We went out shopping on the Friday night for a solution to all the papers that always built up, and voila! it was cleared. Now I can sit down and finish off craft projects that haven't been finished and even start some new ones. I might even tackle the mending and sewing projects I've had in mind!

 Hubby's desk got cleaned up too, see! (The papers solution can be seen - a small hanging file system)

And yes, to all those observant eyes, my kitchen table has been cluttered again. We've been trying to decide where all the odds and ends that don't really belong anywhere but have to go somewhere go. We have decided, but now have to rearrange to make it happen. It never ends!